
User Guide



User interaction


Task management


list - List Command

List out all the tasks with their index, type, status (done or not), description, and time.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:

1.[T][✘] borrow books
2.[D][✓] cs2102 tutorial 1 (by: Sep 4 2020 repeat every 1 days)
3.[T][✓] return books
4.[D][✘] cs2101 email (by: Sep 14 2020)
5.[E][✘] cs2103 project meeting (at: 2020-09-30 12:00/2020-10-01 12:00)
6.[E][✓] cs2102 project meeting (at: 07:00 PM   Oct 1 2020 repeat every 3 days)

bye - Bye Command

Exit the app.

Example of usage:


todo - Add todo Command

Add a todo task with given description.


todo <description>

Example of usage:

todo sample task

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✘] sample task
Now your have 7 tasks in the list.

deadline - Add deadline Command

Add a deadline task with given description and date.


deadline <description> /by <yyyy-MM-dd>

Example of usage:

deadline sample deadline /by 2020-09-30

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✘] sample deadline (by: Sep 30 2020)
Now your have 8 tasks in the list.

event - Add event Command

Add an event task with given description and date time. Multiple tentative slots can be added to the event.


event <description> /at <yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm>[/other tentative slots/...]

Example of usage 1:

event sample event /at 2020-10-01 12:00

Expected outcome 1:

Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✘] sample event (at: 12:00 PM   Oct 1 2020)
Now your have 9 tasks in the list.

Example of usage 2:

event sample event 2 /at 2020-10-01 12:00/2020-10-02 13:00

Expected outcome 2:

Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✘] sample event 2 (at: 2020-10-01 12:00/2020-10-02 13:00)
Now your have 10 tasks in the list.

delete - Delete Command

Delete the task of the given index.


delete <index>

Example of usage:

delete 7

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][✘] sample task
Now your have 9 tasks.

done - Done Command

Mark the task of the given index as done.


done <index>

Example of usage:

done 7

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][✓] sample deadline (by Sep 30 2020)

happen on/before/after - Happen Date Filter Command

Filter tasks according to the happening time (todo tasks are always excluded).


happen <on/before/after> <today or yyyy-MM-dd>

Example of usage 1:

happen on 2020-09-30

Expected outcome 1:

Here are the tasks happening on Sep 30 2020 in your list:

2.[D][✓] cs2102 tutorial 1 (by: Sep 4 2020 repeat every 1 days)
7.[D][✓] sample deadline (by Sep 30 2020)

Example of usage 2:

happen before today

Expected outcome 2:

Here are the tasks happening before today in your list:

2.[D][✓] cs2102 tutorial 1 (by: Sep 4 2020 repeat every 1 days)

happen in - Happen In Filter Command

Filter tasks that are happening within n days.


happen in <n> days

Example of usage:

happen in 5 days

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks happening in 5 days in your list:

2.[D][✓] cs2102 tutorial 1 (by: Sep 4 2020 repeat every 1 days)
4.[D][✘] cs2101 email (by: Sep 14 2020)

happen between - Happen Between Filter Command

Filter tasks that are happening between two dates.


happen between <start date yyyy-MM-dd> <end date yyyy-MM-dd>

Example of usage:

happen between 2020-09-02 2020-09-18

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks happening between Sep 2 2020 and Sep 18 2020  in your list:

2.[D][✓] cs2102 tutorial 1 (by: Sep 4 2020 repeat every 1 days)
4.[D][✘] cs2101 email (by: Sep 14 2020)

find - Find Filter Command

Filter tasks that contains the given substring. The end date should not occur before the start date.


find <substring>

Example of usage:

find cs

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks containing 'cs' in your list:

2.[D][✓] cs2102 tutorial 1 (by: Sep 4 2020 repeat every 1 days)
4.[D][✘] cs2101 email (by: Sep 14 2020)
5.[E][✘] cs2103 project meeting (at: 2020-09-30 12:00/2020-10-01 12:00)
6.[E][✓] cs2102 project meeting (at: 07:00 PM   Oct 1 2020 repeat every 3 days)

fix - Fix Slot Command

Fix a slot for events that have tentative slots. The date time to fix should be one of the tentative slots.


fix <task index> <the date time to fix>

Example of usage:

fix 9 2020-10-02 13:00

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've fixed the slot for the event:
[E][✘] sample event 2 (at: 01:00 PM   Oct 2 2020)

snooze - Snooze Command

Snooze a task to a later time. The time should be later than the original, and unfixed events are not allowed to snooze.


snooze <task index> to <the new date time or date>

Example of usage:

snooze 7 to 2020-10-03

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've postponed this task:
7.[D][✓] sample deadline (by Oct 3 2020)
from 2020-09-30 to 2020-10-03

repeat - Repeat Command

Repeat a task regularly.


repeat <task index> <daily/weekly/every n days>

Example of usage 1:

repeat 7 weekly

Expected outcome 1:

Noted. I've set this task to repeat every 7 days:
7.[D][✓] sample deadline (by Oct 3 2020 repeat every 7 days)

Example of usage 2:

repeat 7 every 3 days

Expected outcome 2:

Noted. I've set this task to repeat every 3 days:
7.[D][✓] sample deadline (by Oct 3 2020 repeat every 3 days)

Trouble shooting

If you are sure that you have some tasks in your list but they don’t show up, please check the resource file located at src/main/resources/tasks.txt to see if the input format of tasks are correct.